Skills for Independence
Students in this pathway aspire to develop their independence and extend their learning. Most students in this pathway do not initially aspire to work but are given the opportunity to experience work-based learning both onsite at Treloar’s and out in the community. Students in this pathway tend to be working between Entry Levels 1-3 and looking to develop a set of core skills preparing them for their future and adult life.
This pathway looks to support students’ transition into their life beyond Treloar’s developing their good health, exploring independent living options, making friends, maintaining relationships and community inclusion. Across the pathway there are a variety of sessions which are individualised to support student needs and aspirations. These can include access and use community facilities, improving shopping and budgeting skills, domestic independence development, confidence communicating with others, as well as the use of ICT to aid independence and communication.
All students are able to access a range of creative options to widen their experience and enable them to engage further in chosen pursuits in the future. For some students development of these skills raises their aspirations towards an employment-based future, developing their own enterprise or a job in their chosen field. As appropriate, students will be able to access bespoke programmes of work-related learning, accessing a wide range of internal and external work placements alongside developing their employability skills and to allow them to explore the idea of a work related future.
The learning in this pathway is supported by the Pearson BTEC Entry Level Pre-vocational Study qualifications which are focused on developing independence and life skills which can be tailored to the level and aspirations of the individual.
They are skills-based qualifications designed to help learners develop the personal and social skills needed to help them to progress to meet their own future living option and having a fulfilled daily life whether that be activities, volunteering options or further vocational study. The course structure is based with each individual student depending on their needs and interests but is based around a core structure that includes Functional Skills, Independence skills, community inclusion, health, employability and enrichment.
At Level 1 students can also choose vocational options from those on offer based upon their primary learning goal. At the end of this course students will be ready to make a focused progression choice or be ready to enter adult life with skills to be part of a wider community and to live with a greater independence.
Students in this pathway aspire to a range of future living arrangements and will be supported to explore all options available to them so they can make an informed choice. Their transition team with work closely with them and their family to support them to access their desired outcome.