Learning Independence Skills
Treloar’s has a 24-hour curriculum: after classes finish other learning takes place in a residential setting. Students can plan meals to cook with their friends, prepare a budget, obtain the food, cook and then enjoy the results! They work as part of a team, helping one another to succeed, and are supported by staff. For some students this means they do the task, for others it means directing.
Our staff are from all multi-disciplinary areas – tutors, literacy and numeracy staff, speech and language, physiotherapists and occupational therapists. This multi-disciplinary team (MDT) is central to devising and reviewing the student’s learning programme, namely the Individual Learning Plan (ILP). Students work closely with their MDTs to set challenging yet achievable targets.
We help our students to achieve their full potential – independently, socially and academically. At the same time, we help them become more self-assured so they can make realistic and achievable choices about their future – whether that is securing paid or unpaid employment, further studies or living more independently.