Residential Care
Residential houses
We have 1 Schoolhouse for students up to the age of 16 (Gloucester House), 1 house for older school students and college students (Wessex House) and 3 college houses (Brewer, Gauvain and Evans Houses). Students have the option of being day students with some respite, weekly boarders, or, from the age of 16 termly boarders.
School boarding houses are divided into a number of smaller units; the junior ones house up to 13 students each and the senior up to 8. Keeping each unit small gives staff and students the opportunity to get to know each other well – and enables us to monitor our students’ physical and psychological well-being more easily. All units are furnished with the latest equipment to enable students to take an increasing amount of responsibility for their own health and hygiene and to become as independent as possible.
Practical and emotional support
We understand that for many students, coming to board at a school or college such as Treloar’s will be the first time living away from home and meeting their emotional needs is as important as meeting their physical requirements. Each house has its own Residential Manager and dedicated Team Leaders who are responsible for the day-to-day welfare of students. We employ almost 250 residential staff, including waking night staff in each house. Our staff are constantly on hand to provide all the practical and emotional support our young people may need.
Because of their disabilities, some students may require assistance with intimate physical care. Our training is of the highest standard and the utmost pains are taken to respect students’ dignity, privacy and self-esteem at all times.
This ethos of dignity and respect is inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) who have rated us as overall ‘Outstanding’.
Becoming independent
An important goal for many students is learning about living on one’s own and the skills they’ll need when they leave education and home. Cooking, cleaning, shopping, budgeting, directing and negotiating care support and time management are all essential skills, whether students do it themselves or direct others to do these for them.
Our aim is to support students to become as independent as possible and to be in control of as many aspects of their lives as possible.
We have specific tailor-made independence flats to help College students gain confidence and independence skills. Students find being able to live in one of these flats an invaluable experience.