At Treloar’s, we believe in the power of education. Our curriculum is shaped by the educational and well-being needs of our students, facilitated by a holistic, student-centred, multi-disciplinary approach, which encompasses education, residential, pastoral care, therapy and healthcare support. It is personalised, relevant and coherently planned. It is ambitious in its determination for students to apply new knowledge and skills and for them to achieve the best possible outcomes. It is based on evidence of successful practice and incorporates the concepts, intent and overarching ideas of individual subjects from National frameworks.
Our curriculum encompasses rich opportunities for high quality learning to support students in developing their self-awareness and communication skills as they prepare for the next stage in their lives. It promotes each student’s resilience, determination and independence through our belief that so much more is possible. We harness our expertise to challenge and nurture our students from their individual starting points and help them lead the most fulfilling life possible, both in school and beyond. This is enabled by ensuring a strong focus on developing community and collaboration both within the school and with the wider world. It inspires curiosity and offers opportunity for students to initiate and develop their own future plans.
This is achieved by:
- Keeping a shared vision to improve students’ lives, develop their communication and independence, their love of learning and ability to achieve great things
- Understanding the students to set the right targets and personalise their curriculum and experiences to meet their needs
- Continuous collaboration with Parents/Carers sharing knowledge, strategies and providing support and consistency
- Ensuring students views and feelings are actively and routinely sought, including those who do not communicate verbally
- Keeping enjoyment and fun at the heart of school life and inspiring everyone to want to learn and improve
This is a school with great purpose and endless compassion. Staff are totally dedicated to their work to break down barriers and to make pupils feel that more is possible in their own lives.
An individual approach from the start
At Treloar School we do not accept commonly recognised limitations. We break down barriers through our exemplary multi-disciplinary holistic approach to education and develop personalised and bespoke curriculums, which enable students to achieve their best and meet their full capabilities.
Across all phases of school life, therapeutic intervention and input is woven into the fabric of each school day by experienced multi-disciplinary teams (MDT) who adopt a student-centred approach to identify the requirements of each individual. The MDT enables Treloar’s to combine the best of all methodologies to form a strong, cohesive learning system.
Each student has their own multi-disciplinary team with a named teacher, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech and language therapist and a progress coordinator. This team meets regularly (alongside the student) to review achievement and progress and ensure that they are reaching their maximum potential. Priority will be given to developing their communication skills, together with developing their personal independence and physical well-being.
Personalised learning is generated through key experiences and is built upon a foundation of seven curriculum priorities: well-being, self-awareness, communication, resilience, independence, collaboration and curiosity. These seven curriculum priorities form the basis for our collaborative target setting process. These targets are then shared and regularly reviewed by the MDT.
Treloar’s is a network of expertise and support that we never take for granted and which gives our son a wide range of opportunities for growth and development
Curriculum delivery
While the national curriculum is the basis of how we sequence the development of knowledge and skills, each individual student receives a bespoke curriculum offer. All students will engage in sessions that support the outcomes of their EHCP through a creative curriculum. ‘Real-World Learning’ is embedded within topics and projects, promoting a balance between new experiences, increased student choice and exposure to a wide range of opportunities which hold value for ‘Life Beyond Treloar’s’. This supports our aim to develop lively inquisitive minds, who are aware of the world around them and receive opportunities to make choices, take decisions and become increasingly independent and socially confident with a positive self-image.
Core subjects of English, Maths and PHRSE are particularly crucial for arousing students’ curiosity and enthusiasm for learning and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. For many students literacy and numeracy skills will be embedded into the thematic cross curriculum approach. Some students will demonstrate they have the capacity to explore key elements and subjects in more detail and greater depth and their personalised curriculum and timetable will reflect this. Each students receives a termly curriculum planner mapping out their individual journey.
All areas of learning and development are equally valued, we understand that they are often interconnected. A topic-based approach combines subjects allowing students the opportunity to explore their specific needs and interests whilst making connections whilst strengthening and applying learnt skills.
We recognise that the personal development of students, spiritually, morally, socially and culturally, plays a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We provide an education that provides students with academic opportunities to explore and develop their own values and beliefs, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour and a positive and caring attitude towards others.
Staff are totally dedicated to their work to break down barriers and to make pupils feel that more is possible in their own lives.
Individualised curriculum pathways are built upon each of the student’s fundamental needs addressed in their Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs). Learning is differentiated to match the ability and needs of each student.
Our curriculum recognises that all students are unique and so is their learning pathway. It is designed to cater for students with a wide range of needs, regardless of the speed of their progress, the pace of the curriculum will always be student dependent. Each student receives a personalised and bespoke curriculum. At Treloar School, we have the flexibility to continually review and evolve. Personalised pathways mean that staff are able to respond to students’ need or possibly change in need.

Sensory and Interactive Pathway
Some students, due to the complexity of their physical, medical and cognitive needs, receive a curriculum to continually support, maintain, develop and embed their physical skills, posture and mobility. The ImPACTS curriculum framework has been embedded to support learners. Please contact us for further details.
Entry Level Pathway
Some students may need all, or part of, their personalised curriculum to be focused around developing functional skills with more flexibility. Curriculum frameworks have been adapted to identify the key priorities to support students’ futures with more time focused on the enquiry-based approach to learning. Please contact us for further details.
Formal / GCSE Pathway
Some students may have a more bespoke subject specific timetable of learning as all, or part of, their personalised curriculum. Please contact us for further details.
The celebration of individual uniqueness, strong planning and a culture of high aspirations mean that students and their families have life-changing experiences.