Who's who

Treloar Trust is both a registered charity and a company limited by guarantee. Treloar School and Treloar College are part of Treloar Trust, but managed as separate ‘operating divisions’. They share a range of services run centrally by the Trust such as Fundraising, Human Resources, Finance, Transport and Marketing.

Senior Executives

CEO: Martin Ingram BSc PGCE 

Director of Finance and Resources: Simon Birch BA ACA MBA

Acting Head of Fundraising: Joanna Clarkson

Financial Controller: Alan Jordan FCA DChA

Head of College: Ben Bastin

Head of School: Lisa Bond

Head of Safeguarding: Ben Baxter

Head of Quality: Jo Cox BA (Hons), PGCE

Head of Residential Services: Helen Goodenough CertSCM

Head of HR: Sandra Faulkner

Head of Technology: Jane Hayden

Head of Healthcare and Nursing: Sally Nissen RGN, RN (Child), MRes.

Head of Admissions, Funding and Contracts: Emma Simmonds

Head of Estates and Transport: Matt Davies

School and College Team

CEO: Martin Ingram

Head of School: Lisa Bond


Head of College: Ben Bastin

Head of Admissions, Funding and Contracts: Emma Simmonds

Transition Manager: Maria Sherwood

Head of Healthcare and Nursing: Sally Nissen RGN, RN (Child), MRes.

Head of Residential Services: Helen Goodenough CertSCM

Head of Safeguarding: Ben Baxter

Brewer House Residential Manager: Maria Mason

Chivers House Residential Manager: Mary Willmott

Evans House Residential Manager: Mandy Wells

Gauvain House Residential Manager: Vicky Beeks

Gloucester House Residential Manager: Julie Bodnar

Wessex House Residential Manager: Gemma Butler

GPs: Farnham Dene Medical Practice, Farnham Centre For Health, Hale Road, Farnham GU9 9QS Dr Rebecca Reynolds, Dr Claire O’Dowd, Dr Cassie Snadden

Therapy Heads: Clare Bradford and Rebecca Clifford (Physio), Victoria Pitt (OT), Sally Mosley (SLT)

School and College Governing Body

Chair of Governing Body: Cheryl Brewer

Independent Governor: Jo Ayres

Student Governor: Isobel Beales

Non-teaching Staff Governor: Vicky Beeks

Independent Governor: Matt Britton

Teacher Governor: Chris Butler

Independent Governor: Professor Rob Darracott BPharm

Treloar’s CEO – ex-officio: Martin Ingram BSc PGCE

Parent Governor - Tracey Kimber

Parent Governor - Susie Marsh 

Independent Governor: Win Normington

Safeguarding Governor: Jo Ayres

Independent Governor: Alison Szewczyk SRN

Student Governor: Archie Turner


The Governing Body is a Committee of the Trustees established pursuant to the Articles of Association of the Trust. The Governing Body acts under delegated authority from the Board of Trustees.  The Principal reports into the Governing Body.  The Governor's table of interests is available to download below.


Patrons are individuals who give generously of their time to support our work and help us raise our profile in their chosen fields:

Royal Patron: HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh GCVO

Fiona Adler

Michael Aspel OBE

Bob Barrett

Dan Bentley

The Reverend Mark Birch MVO

Virginia Bond

Stuart C Boreham

Lady Tessa Brewer OBE

Michael Campbell MBE DL

Michael Cassidy CBE BA MBA

Mike Chadwick ACA CTAI

Chris Childs

Christopher Dadson

Dan Eley

Damon de Laszlo DL

Julie Fernandez

Humphrey Hawksley

Suzanna Hext

Jane Macnabb

Maureen Marden

Alderman Sir Andrew Parmley

Robert Powell

Martin Sinclair

Admiral Sir Jock Slater GCB LVO DL

David Smith OBE

Roger Southam

Jeff Stelling

Alastair Stewart OBE

Sir Richard Stilgoe OBE DL

Alan Titchmarsh CBE DL VMH HonFSE

Dame Jacqueline Wilson GBE FRSL

Tom Yendell


The Board of Trustees is responsible for the overall governance of the Treloar Trust and meets as a board at least three times a year. In addition there are four Trustee committees covering Finance, Investment and Audit; Risk and Compliance; Fundraising; and Nominations and Remuneration.

The Trustees review the purpose, aims and activities of the Trust each year. They have overall responsibility for ensuring that the Trust has appropriate systems and controls, financial and otherwise to provide assurance that:

  • As a charity we are operating efficiently and effectively;
  • All assets are safeguarded against unauthorised use or disposition and are properly applied;
  • Proper records are maintained and financial information used within Treloar’s, or for publication, is reliable; and
  • We comply with relevant laws and regulations.

Lady Win Normington CBE (Interim Chair)

Liz Ashford

James Bateson LLB

Cheryl Brewer

David Cook

Ian Cranna

Anna Galliford

David Matthews

Neil Smith

Scott Watkin

Joanna Wright

Honorary Trustee

Rt.Hon. The Lord Mayor of the City of London

Governor's table of interests
Governor's table of interests (PDF, 93KB)