“Treloar School is an exceptional specialist provision.”
(Challenge Partner QAR May 2022)
“The very effective partnership work between care staff, teaching staff and parents results in consistently high quality experiences for children.”
(Ofsted Social Care 2022)
“The support that the school provides to children to maximise their independence and reduce barriers to communication and the work undertaken by staff to promote their mobility is exemplary.”
(Ofsted Social Care 2022)
Exceptional care and education for disabled students
Choosing a school for a child with a physical disability is a huge decision. It is crucial to find an environment where they receive real care, the right support, specialist attention, as well as an excellent education.
We are a non-maintained special school for 4 to 16-year-old students with physical disabilities. However, some students with particular learning/emotional difficulties may stay with us until the age of 18. We have room for over 70 weekly and termly residential and up to 40 day places. We welcome young people from all over the UK.
As one of the largest and most respected schools of our kind in the UK, we harness our expertise to challenge and nurture our students to help them lead the fullest and most fulfilling life possible. Here your child will be safe and happy, with all aspects of their well-being catered for.
Our key strength lies in our holistic, multi-disciplinary approach, which encompasses education, residential and pastoral care, therapy, medical support and independence training to deliver the best disabled education.
Currently, the majority of our School and College students have a primary diagnosis of cerebral palsy. However, we welcome young people with a wide range of physical conditions, including those with associated sensory or cognitive difficulties. Over 90% of our students are wheelchair users and over 50% are non-verbal or require support from augmentative and alternative communication equipment. We also cater for students with degenerative or life-limiting conditions.