Key Stages
Therapeutic intervention and input are woven into the fabric of each school day, consequently children receive a dynamic, holistic curriculum offer which supports their readiness for learning and meets each aspect of their Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP).
All students receive termly individualised curriculum intent programme designed to holistically meet their individual needs, alongside their personalised timetable. These documents encompass and reflect the age and stage of the individual.
An individual approach from the start
Our experienced multi-disciplinary teams adopt a child-centred approach to identify the requirements of individuals. When a student joins us, we place great emphasis on getting to know their individual needs so we can put together the right package of learning support and involve the most appropriate staff in their care and education from the very start. Please refer to Pathways.
The curriculum is bespoke. The flexibility in the curriculum enables us to respond to each student’s needs and interests. Students may work across pathways, combining a range of subjects to meet their specific goals.