Former Students Association
We are always pleased to hear news from former students. Knowing what is working in the world outside Treloar’s for our students, or not as the case may be, helps us plan for the future – and we may also be able to offer suggestions to help.
We’re also delighted when former students can come back and tell current students what they’ve been doing, and talk to them about the issues they have faced.
All former Treloar’s students – from either the School or College – can choose to join the Former Student’s Association. Young people make lasting friendships at school, and it can sometimes be hard to stay in touch.The Association costs nothing to join and provides a convenient way to keep in touch with friends, and for finding an excuse to visit Treloar’s from time to time.
There is an annual reunion every spring at School or College and an annual newsletter to keep ex-students in touch with the latest goings-on at Treloar’s.
The chairman of the Association is Tom Yendell who can be contacted via email or on 01420 80560.
To be added to the mailing list of the Association, please send your name, address, telephone number and email address to: