Divergent Drama visits Treloar’s
During October, we celebrate Black history Month. It’s an event that has been taking place for more than 30 years to recognise the contribution of Black Britons throughout our history.
Divergent Drama came in to deliver an interactive and multi-sensory workshop for our School and College students, to support them in their understanding of the history of Black people and their struggle for equality.
As inclusion is one of our values, we fully embrace the opportunity to expand our knowledge of the social and political pressures in our communities.
The session covered the history of the slave moment, important moments in the civil rights movement, laws that have been incorporated over time to extend the rights of Black people, and the modern Black Lives Matter movement.
Our students were better able to understand the experience of Black Britons following the workshop. We are very grateful to Divergent Drama for delivering a fantastic session – including sensory snow, costume play and a Q&A session.