Our nursing team is available to all students – our aim is to enable all students to access education. Our nurses are both experienced and well qualified; the team have child, adult and learning disability nursing qualifications, and are supported to keep professionally up to date. Person-centred and respectful care is very important to us, and we follow national standards of clinical care to ensure our practice is informed by up to date evidence.
As a nurse-led service, we respond to the individual needs of students every day, wherever the student might be across the campus. Each residential house has at least one named nurse. The nurses will monitor students who are unwell and ensure students are referred promptly to a GP or hospital if needed. Our first priority will always be the safety of the student.
We work closely with our therapy, dietetic and teaching colleagues, as well as external specialists when needed. We also support the ‘care staff’ (known as Student Support Assistants [SSAs] or Residential house staff) to provide everyday care. We teach many aspects of health care, including the administration of medicines. There are some procedures at Treloar’s only nurses will perform; these include taking blood and accessing central lines.
We are supported by health care assistants day and night. A full-time medication technician liaises daily with our pharmacy provider to make sure all medications are on our electronic system and supply a large number of medications to students registered with our GP. In 2017/2018 Treloar’s staff gave 257,445 doses of medication, and we have strict medicine processes to ensure safe and effective care.