Work experience
We provide opportunities to plan, experience and review work placements either internally at Treloar’s or externally. The aim is to give students personalised experiences, knowledge, skills and planning tools which will enable them to make informed decisions and choices about future, paid or unpaid, employment. This is aimed at preparing them for when they leave School or College.
Supported throughout their time at Treloar’s by personal tutors, therapists and a dedicated Progress and Transition Team, students can expect to develop a comprehensive range of interpersonal, social, independence and employability skills.
Benefits to the student
This work experience helps students to:
- Gain practical experience in the workplace in a manner suitable to their skills
- Improve their understanding of working in a real business or workplace
- Develop their skills and experience for their Curriculum Vitae
- Gain confidence in their abilities to seek work or voluntary placements in the future
These placements will be undertaken in line with the British Association for Supported Employment model with vocational profiles, employer engagement, preparation, in-work support and job coaching.
Community links
We continue to develop links with a broad range of employers to offer personalised work placements to meet the individual needs of each student. All students are appropriately supported by School or College staff to attend work experience if required.
We have been awarded the Fair Train Gold standard, the plan is to utilise the services that Fair Train are able to offer to assist with marketing for the work experience provision at the School and College.
Fair Train accredits organisations with the Work Experience Quality Standard for their work experience schemes and it provides public recognition for employers, learning providers and employees offering quality work experience.