What The Dickens! Watch our splendid Sixth Form performance
The show must go on! And, thanks to some very creative thinking by our Sixth Form – so it did!
At Treloar’s, all our students are encouraged to take part in communication and performing arts activities as they are hugely important to their education and help boost their confidence, skills and employability.
Our annual Sixth Form performance is a firm favourite in the events calendar at Treloar’s and initially we were gutted to think that Covid-19 was going to put a stop to it.
Thinking outside the box
However, our students thought outside the box to deliver ‘What The Dickens!’ to cement their learning on the life and works of Charles Dickens. So the students came up with an in house film production company – ‘T-Flix to record and show their performance.
Whilst we are missing the crowds and the buzz of the live audience – fear not – our Sixth Form still put on a show to remember! And you enjoy this on our YouTube channel.
All 20 of our Sixth Form students donned their costumes and took part in the production and creation of the ‘What The Dickens!’ show – we really hope you enjoy it!
Refurbing our performance hall
We can’t wait to be on stage again soon and thanks to some very generous donors, we are currently refurbishing our Communication and Performance Hall, The Florence Treloar Hall.
Sadly, our current Hall lacks the high-tech equipment that is required to back up the technologies that our students use. It also makes simple tasks like entering and exiting the Hall, getting students on and off the stage, utilising the sound system and temperature controls very challenging. There are now just too many barriers preventing our students from enjoying the Hall.
A significant over hall is under way to transform the Hall, so that our students can take part in communication activities, music and performing arts, including those who rely on their voice output communication devices.
What the grant means
We are so excited to have received this grant. Music Director Jocelyn Watkins said;
“We work very hard to ensure all our students have opportunities to perform and show off their skills and talents to others, whether it is in a weekly assembly, Christmas show or summer musical production.
“Currently we adapt our way of working to suit the equipment we have; it will be wonderful to have the “Florence Treloar” Hall adapted to work for the specific needs of our students, and provide them a space to really shine!”
We hope you enjoy the show and that we can welcome you to our campus soon!