Full steam ahead preparing for new term at Treloar’s
While Treloar’s students were enjoying their summer holidays, Treloar’s staff, together with a number of contractors, were working hard to prepare the site for September. The holiday period is actually the busiest time of year for our facilities team.
A huge and wide-ranging amount of works were carried out over the summer holidays: installation of new gates, automatic doors, a new hoist and various construction and servicing works to name a few. The list is long.
We also had three lettings using our site during the summer holidays: a total of approximately 300 people staying here across a period covering more than three weeks, which involved a huge amount of preparation work, followed by deep cleans afterwards in order to prepare the buildings for the return of School and College students.
Everyone who worked on site throughout the summer, saw the amount of work that went into ensuring a smooth start into the new school year and the improvement of Treloar’s facilities.
A big shout-out to Treloar’s staff and contractors who made it all happen, making the campus ready for the start of the new term in September.