Morrisons Foundation helps Treloar students get stuck in!
Being adaptable and inclusive is vital at Treloar’s.
Here you can see Alex using his feet to get stuck in with the iSandbox!
Using the iSandBox, an augmented reality education tool is a treat for everyone – adult staff included!
But do you know what it does?
The iSandBox is a sand base tool with projector and computer and thanks to the Morrisions Foundation for their generous donation we have one of our own – they helped us get the first of its kind in Europe!
It uses augmented reality to ‘bring sand to life’ using depth sensors that monitor the height of the sand and react to different movements.
Our students love the interactive kit which teaches them about geography, science, colours and shapes and is brilliant for students with additional sensory needs.
It goes without saying that we are incredibly grateful to the Morrisons Foundation and all our supporters who make this kind of experience possible for our students.
If you know a company who could support Treloar’s, we’d love to hear from you! You can find out more about the sorts of support that make our students dream possible here.
Learn more about the iSandBox here.