Treloar’s students celebrate top exam grades on results day
Overcoming challenges
Despite two years of disruption to their lives, Treloar’s students have worked hard to overcome all the challenges of the pandemic. COVID-19 restrictions have had a disproportionate impact on the lives of many of our students, making it so much harder for them to access learning, work experience, internships and their local community. Their success in the exam results published this week demonstrates their resilience and commitment to learning.
Principal, Martin Ingram said
“Students across the country have had huge barriers to their learning during the pandemic and this has been especially true for the young people at Treloar’s, we are extremely proud of everything our students have achieved this year. Our staff have supported students in class, at home and in our residential provision to achieve their individual aims. We have students going onto university, into independent and supported living, working towards supported internships and work.
For Treloar’s outstanding grades are just one way that we measure success. At this time of year we celebrate all of the achievements of our students. The resilience the students of Treloar’s have shown is nothing short of astounding and we thank all our fantastic staff for their hard work in supporting our students through difficult circumstances.”
Powerful partnerships
One of the keys to success is the long standing partnership Treloar’s has with HSDC Alton College. Each year several of our students complete their studies at the Alton Campus and utilise Treloar’s specialist facilities for required therapies, health care and accommodation.
From September 2021 we will have 13 learners studying at HSDC Alton. This link has been fantastic for our students to access mainstream further education while developing essential independent living skills. Treloar staff support students in lessons and HSDC provide additional space for our learners to have a common area. Many of our students go on to university and other further education and employment and it empowers and enables them to lead more independent lives.
Student spotlight
Two students who have benefitted from this partnership are Katherine and Ciaran who will be heading to university in September.
Katherine was delighted with her results in Biology and Environmental Science which will enable her to study for a BSc Degree in Zoology at Reading University. Katherine told us
“I am very proud of my achievements academically especially given the challenges I have faced during my time at Treloar’s. I celebrated in the evening by going to a Thai restaurant and getting very merry!”
Ciaran achieved Distinction Stars in Sport and IT which will enable him to study for a Foundation Degree in Sports Management at Solent University.
As they take the next steps in their lives we wish them well and know they will be well prepared for anything life throws at them.