Voluntary Helper of the Year Award
Earlier this month as part of national Volunteering Week in the UK, Treloar’s held a lunch event to thank all its volunteers, both local and international, who give up their time to carry out such a wide range of support to Treloar’s. Volunteers at Treloar’s assist in the school and college classrooms, fundraising department, facilities team and on the residential houses, amongst other activities.
This year, for the first time, staff made nominations of volunteers for the Voluntary Helper of the Year award and congratulations is due to Michelle Simpson who was a worthy winner! Michelle was nominated for the support she has given Sixth Form class TFEJ over the last 2 years, especially during the performances of Antony & Cleopatra and The Tempest. Sixth Form teacher Jenny said “I do not know what I would do without Michelle and her positive rapport and understanding of the needs of our students is outstanding. She has a naturally calm and capable manner. Michelle came along to help out with no formal training but heaps of life experience and has made the most wonderful contribution, a very unassuming but special lady”.
Principal Martin Ingram awarded certificates to Michelle and the other nominated volunteers, plus to our 10 international volunteers who have been volunteering full time with us since last September. They are now getting ready to leave Treloar’s at the end of term, having completed their gap year, and we will be welcoming 10 new volunteers from overseas this coming September.