Careers Week at Treloar’s
Between 6th-10th March, we marked Careers Week at Treloar’s with a range of activities and workshops, including the NHS Careers event at HSDC Alton College.
As well as achieving qualifications, we want our students to gain the confidence and independence they need to move onto the next step in their lives.
Our Work Experience programme is an important aspect in how we support our students for life after Treloar’s. The aim is to give students personalised experiences, knowledge, skills and planning tools which will enable them to make informed decisions and choices about future, paid or unpaid, employment.
One of Treloar College students shared with us her account of work experience at Amery Hill School, organised by Treloar’s:
At Treloar’s, I have enjoyed a variety of internal and external work placements which have helped me explore different sectors, including fundraising, charity and currently school administration and the admissions office. Furthermore, having so many different experiences has really helped me gain confidence for each new placement I start. On my current placement in the Amery Hill School Office, I have learnt about and worked on organising cover for when teachers are absent; this has been interesting and allowed me to understand how important this role is for the overall running of the school. My different types of work experience have allowed me gain and build upon existing skills including, using new IT systems, making phone calls, communicating with colleagues and working with other colleagues as well as asking for clarification on certain tasks.
Work experience
Do you have links with a company who could offer work experience placements to Treloar’s students? If you think you might be able to help please get in touch with Mary Menzies, Treloar’s Work Experience Coordinator,