Cart Marking Ceremony 2021
On Saturday 18th September 2021, Treloar’s were honoured to be part of the Cart Marking ceremony in the City of London. One of the Treloar’s specially adapted mini-buses was included in the procession of 40 vintage and futuristic vehicles that were part of the ceremony. At Guildhall Yard, the Sheriffs and ritually robed Carmen branded each ‘carr’ with a red-hot iron – the origin of vehicle licensing. This ceremony dates back some 500 years and celebrates transport through the ages – we were so proud to be part of it.
Following from the ceremony we were honoured to join over 300 members and guests of the Worshipful Company of Carmen for a fabulous champagne reception and delicious lunch at the Guildhall.
Thank you so much to the Worshipful Company of Carmen for sponsoring the Treloar’s entry into the ceremony and for the generosity of the whole Livery movement who help us provide the essential care and education for the young people who attend Treloar’s.