Cocktails for Swallowing Awareness Day 2022
Swallowing Awareness Day is all about raising awareness of how speech and language therapists help people living with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties.
Eating, drinking and swallowing is an essential part of most people’s day and is often taken for granted, but for some of our students it is not that easy. Dysphagia, or eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties, can affect a person’s quality of life and can lead to other health complications.
At Treloars, Dysphagia Speech and Language Therapists have specialist training to assess and support the complex eating, drinking and nutritional needs of our students. They work closely with members of the Multi Disciplinary Team to ensure the safety and well-being of students when eating and drinking. Each student has their own eating and drinking profile to ensure they can be supported with the right level of care at mealtimes. Our catering team provide meals for over 11 different dietary requirements.
This year to promote Swallowing Awareness Day, the Speech and Language team enticed staff and students to explore and experience the different levels of thickened fluids at the ‘Stirred not Shaken’ cocktail bar, ably supported by two of our students, Harriet and Ellis.
Dysphagia can be found in all stages of life, including in infants, children and young people and adults. It often occurs with other health conditions, such as being born prematurely, having learning disabilities, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, dementia and stroke.
If not treated appropriately, dysphagia can lead to other health complications, reduced quality of life, and potentially life-threatening consequences.
Speech and language therapists play a key role in the identification and management of dysphagia.
- Have a unique role in the diagnosis of dysphagia
- Help people regain their swallowing through exercises, techniques and positioning
- Promote patient safety through modifying the texture of food and fluids, reducing the risk of malnutrition, dehydration and choking
- Promote quality of life, taking into account an individual’s and their families’ preferences and beliefs, and helping them adjust to living with swallowing difficulties
- Work with other healthcare staff, particularly dietitians, to optimise nutrition and hydration
To find out more, visit :
or search #swallowaware2022