Plant it, grow it, enjoy it!
Treloar Primary School launched a new topic for their lessons this term called ‘Plant it, grow it, enjoy it’.
The students gathered in the greenhouse where they were introduced to the new topic, creating links with the previous one ‘Walking through the jungle‘, as the students were asked why plants are important to animals, especially the herbivores. Then Iris Lynch, Horticulture Lead at Treloar’s, talked about fruit and vegetables and answered questions from students.
During the second part of the session, the students planted runner beans that the classes are going to grow in the Outdoor Learning Centre – this will help students understand how seeds grow.
Summer term at Treloar School
The topic ‘Plant it, grow it, enjoy it’ will be a theme present in all the subjects during the summer term. In English, students will be learning how to explain things (why and how questions; time conjunctions (first, next, then), cause and effect conjunctions (because, resulting in), present tense. Additionally, students will be studying persuasive language – this will include writing for a purpose and giving reasons of writer’s perspective. Groups will be exploring the effective use of noun phrases to create persuasive devises (e.g. delicious chocolate), evaluative adjectives that give weight to the author’s argument (dangerous, noisy, terrible), modal verbs and adverbs to reinforce the author’s position (should, must, will), connectives and sequencing words to give order and structure to the arguments and evidence.
During their PSHE/RE lessons, classes will focus on health and well-being and what helps us grow and stay healthy, making links to plants and healthy eating.
Students will be also able to take part in a Sunflower Competition in Maths: students will be measuring their plants – the tallest sunflower wins! Additionally, students will put their Maths skills to test while ordering pots and flowers!
Topic launches at Treloar’s
Creative curriculum for school students: KS3 Topic launch | Treloar School & College
Walking through the jungle | Treloar School & College
New study topics for School students | Treloar School & College