KS3 topic launch: Human vs humanity
This summer term, KS3 classes are learning about changes over time with a focus on plants, animals and humans.
During the topic launch, teachers created a carousel of activities:
Station 1: Plants
Students watched a presentation about planting and growing a seed. Then, everyone had the opportunity to follow a sequence to grow their own bean. Throughout the term, students will be observing the changes as they care for the bean. This will provide a lot of opportunities to use this project across the curriculum such as maths (measuring and data collection), science (what do plants need to grow and how changing particular elements affects the results), English (writing an explanation of how to plant beans).
Station 2: Animals
KS3 classes explored animals through a range of multi-sensory and interactive resources such as sound buttons for animal lotto, soft toys to offer a tactile experience and a robotic snake that imitates the movement of their bodies. Some students used images to identify and categorise animals that can fly or live in water. There was a range of non-fiction resources and supporting props but the animal skulls were most popular alongside exploration of a desert habitat and what the camel would need by engaging with sand and sensory lights under red/yellow/orange netting, representing the sun rise and heat of a hot desert.
Station 3: Humans
Classes began by sharing a presentation about how humans and wheelchairs have evolved over time. Students and staff had great fun recreating a picture of the “evolution of man” through the use of green screen. The students really enjoyed being part of the image whilst utilising their standing frame, trikes or other specialist seating.
Topic launches at Treloar’s
Plant it, grow it, enjoy it! | Treloar School & College
Creative curriculum for school students: KS3 Topic launch | Treloar School & College
Walking through the jungle | Treloar School & College
New study topics for School students | Treloar School & College