Valorum Care Group
About us:
Valorum Care Group is a support provider of quality care services for over 1,000 people, in 75 schemes over 130 local authorities across England, supported by 1,400 employees.
We support individuals to live and thrive across England in supported living, residential care, and residential care with nursing services for learning disability, mental health, and physical disability.
We have expertise in supporting people with complex needs, including autistic spectrum conditions, mental health, behaviour that challenges, profound and multiple learning disabilities, physical disabilities and associated complex health needs.
Individuals and the people important to their lives are at the heart of our person-centred approach. We support people to live the life they want and make choices about the care they need.
People can be assured of a positive environment with teams who work alongside them in enhancing and sustaining their quality of life.
Contact us:
Telephone: 0330 390 9150